1. Make sure iTunes is not running on either account
2. Give read access to the Music folder of the original user with
chmod -R 755 /Users/sourceuser/Music
Where sourceuser is the username of the person sharing his library3. Here's the script. Copy and paste it into an editor and save it as copyituneslib. You have to make the script executable, so start up Terminal.app and run
chmod 755 copyituneslib
Start copying here.
if test -z "$2";
then echo "Usage: sudo copyituneslib sourceuser destinationuser";
#copies my "iTunes Library" file to another user
#i have to set permissions on my iTunes folder to allow
#everyone to read it though.
#you also have to run this script as an administrator with the sudo command.
#you will have to do this once
#chmod -R 755 /Users/sourceuser/Music
#Where sourceuser is the username of the person sharing his library
#This means anyone with access to your computer will have read
#access to every file in the Music folder
cp /Users/$1/Music/iTunes/iTunes\ Library /Users/$2/Music/iTunes/iTunes\ Library
#since this whole script has to be run as root(a.k.a. administrator)
#we have to change the owner back to a normal user
chown $2 /Users/$2/Music/iTunes/iTunes\ Library
echo "Check to see that the library was copied."
echo "If it didn't work, make sure iTunes on the destination account"
echo "is not running"
4. Run the script. If you saved it somewhere in your path you can just type
sudo copyituneslib sourceuser destinationuser
or else you have to type
sudo ./copyituneslib sourceuser destinationuser
provided copyituneslib is in your working directory.